start symbol

英 [stɑːt ˈsɪmbl] 美 [stɑːrt ˈsɪmbl]

网络  开始符号; 起始符号; 初始符号



  1. These special identifiers all start with the$ symbol, so they're not going to interfere with anything you'd otherwise do in your code.
  2. This is a start in the designer, extended to the audience, the audience thought processes of mental activity, which is dependent on the continuation of the symbol as a thinking subject.
  3. When you start describing the significance of a symbol like the tunnel, which recurs in the book, you immediately begin to limit it, and a symbol should go on deepening.
  4. In order to be compliant with the requirements of the C language standard, all non-standard names start from the underscore symbol.
  5. All variables in PHP start with a$ sign symbol. Variables may contain strings, numbers, or arrays. This crossword is full of anagrams.
  6. A ring no start and no end is a symbol of love endless.
  7. During the month of holy cease-fire, nobody was allowed to use weapons, nobody was allowed to start a war and nobody was al-lowed to carry weapons into olympiad. therefore, the ancient olym-pics was a symbol of peace and friendship at the beginning.
  8. The orientation of international image is the start and end-result of international image strategy, loving peace, advanced civilization, justice and friendliness, honesty and responsibility is the fundamental symbol of contemporary Chinese international image.
  9. In this paper, we first calculate the width of barcode unit, and then use it to detect all of the start point and end point from the original barcode image, Thereby positioning the symbol character of barcode image.
  10. The achievement of genomic sketch map of Bombyx mori is the start symbol of post genome era of silkworm biological research.
  11. Theme of her art around the world to start a private, personal experience with a blend of national and ethnic situation, the real experience of life, the concept of using a strong symbol vivid, exaggerated performance.
  12. The purpose of timing synchronization in digital communications is to get the correct start and end of every symbol at the receiver.